Saturday, May 14, 2005

Marc hates the "fine balance"

So, I've stopped plagiarizing Becky, and changed my banner's subtitle. I feel the need to have a more serious post before I go on with more of the goofy things that are going on in my head and the daily life stories that make for quick, easy, and comical posts. This blog will not be just a bunch of "today Junior did X" -- do not fear.

I chose that phrase because whenever I have philosophical discussions, I usually end up saying "well, it really is a fine balance", or "we just need to find that balance...". Marc hates it when I say that. I'm not completely sure why, maybe it's the cheesy nod and slow, condescending blink that (jokingly) goes along with the phrase.

But I am a Hegelian (anyone out there heard of the philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel -- shall I do my first ever poll, to find out?), so I tend to recognize that in each side of an issue there are bits of truth, and we just need to pull those bits out and come to a new understanding in the light of other perspectives. Shall I get deep and use words like "dialectic" and "being-in-itself"? Maybe not today... that could turn readers off as much as poopy diaper stories!

We do need one Hegel quote to start things off right, though:
"The True is the whole. But the whole is nothing other than essence consummating itself through its development. Of the Absolute it must be said that it is essentially a result, that only in the end is it what it truly is; and that precisely in this consists its natures, viz. to be actual, subject, the spontaneous becoming of itself." (p 11, The Phenomenology of Spirit)

I may not be a hard-core Hegelian, but something in his writing has always been intuitive with me. The idea that we need to recognize our perspectives, see our errors and our truths, draw from the experiences and perspectives of others in order to transcend our own viewpoint and slowly work to a (hopefully) better understanding of ourselves and existence.

That's why I added the thing about changing diapers: because each experience we have, no matter how mundane, can help us to have a better grasp of life if we allow ourselves to reflect upon it. Even, and often especially, kids can make us see truths that are around us everyday because of their completely fresh perspectives.


At 1:40 AM, Blogger becky said...

Okay, you definitely need to meet my boy. He's a philosopher, and you two could talk philosopher-ish things while Marc and I dissect your grammar!

Seriously though, Hegel is one of the few philosophers I remember from my undergrad days. Wasn't he the whole thesis-antithesis-synthesis theory? I think I wrote a paper about that.

And for the record, I like saying "phenomenology." I quoted a paper "Figure and Ground: The Phenomenology of Rhetoric" -- and I had to practice to say it correctly.

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Dixie Vandersluys said...

Nice Becky. That's Hegel alright! But I do hesitate to have Marc correct my grammar too much, because I've been trying to explain to him for 7 years now how to use a semi-colon properly...

Can't wait for you to meet my little boy and for us to meet yours!

At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hegel is a nutjob.

Just kidding. I imagine I would appreciate Hegel more now. When I took a class on Hegel it all went over my head. I got an 84 but didn't have a clue how I pulled that off.

I'd like to think of myself as a bit of a philosopher myself. Had I not thought I was going to be a teacher, I would probably have minored in it. In fact, and Dixie will deny this, I encouraged her to take more philosophy classes after I had enjoyed mine so much. Yes, yes, I know, it was Dr. Marshall's logic class -- but afterwards you were still a little hesitant to take philosophy....

At 8:19 PM, Blogger Andrew said...

I still maintain "Hegel Schmegel" would be a suitable blog title for you... in any event, many years ago, a certain Francis Schaeffer informed me through his infallible word that Hegel was singlehandedly responsible for the malaise and decadence that is our modern world, so I have paid Hegel no heed since. You would be well advised to do the same.

At 12:56 AM, Blogger becky said...

Ah, if I had written off everyone that Shaeffer harranged, my library would be pretty diminished. Though I still have a fond memory of watching his video series in Bible college, and watching him in his knickers (ie., short pants).

At 12:22 PM, Blogger Randall Friesen said...

Hmm, Hegel, as in those "Hegel Exercises" you were suppose to do when you were pregnant???


I think I'm gonna like this place.

At 10:15 PM, Blogger Dixie Vandersluys said...

Aaah, Randall... good stuff. (I had to explain it to Marc, though.)


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