Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Womanly Art of Misplacing Womanly Products

Let's take a moment to bring to mind inappropriate feminine hygiene moments:

IFHM #1: "Okay so I have to tell this story but I will try to protect the names of the people involved. My friend's son started Kindy the other day. Unfortunately the back pack he was using that day had been used on a family field trip and a feminine product was left behind in the pack. Snack time arrived and the little guy dug out what he thought was aprt of his snack. He unwrapped it and began swing it around by the string and yelling at his teacher. "What is this? Hoe do I get it open? How do I eat it?" His teacher upon reporting this grand event to Mom said it was her best first day yet in her 20 or whatever years of teaching. I have it on good authority she also shared this with another fellow teacher to which was also added. "If he's got the tampon, where is the cheese string?" (Link - thanks for the laugh Peggy!)

IFHM #2: One of my (male) English teachers that I had in high school told us about the time, when he was a child, his mother asked him to put the napkins on the dinner table because their company would be there soon. (I think we can all guess where this is going.) He looked all over and finally remembered where his mommy kept napkins. And when his mother and the company came to the table she saw a maxi-pad laid out "just so" next to each plate. (Keeping in mind that this was probably 30 years ago, when maxi-pads were a lot more maxi than they are today.)

IFHM #3: Then there's pastor's daughter who decided that the best time to come out dancing with tampons dangling like earrings from both of her ears was when the rather serious superintendent for her daddy's denomination (aka daddy's boss) was over for supper.

IFHM #4: And finally there's Dixie -- whose entire life is one big inappropriate feminine hygiene moment (not that there's anything wrong with still not liking to buy these things when you're 26 years old).

Hope these spark some good IFHMs of your own or those you know. Write them as comments and we can all have a good laugh (at your or other people's expense).


At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 1:07 PM, Blogger becky said...

The worst one I heard took place at a pool party. This teenage girl was wearing a bikini and a guy friend of hers wanted to "help her out" by pulling a loose string he saw. He got more than he bargained for.

(I think this one is an Urban Legend, but funny)

At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday, driving to Calgary, my friend told me a story.

Her mom used to be a nurse in Calgary, and one day a lady came in with extreme stomach cramps. She had had her period two weeks before, so the doctor decided to take a bunch of tests. They ended up performing surgery on her abdomen.

Oh, and a side note, this woman thought that tampons dissolved.

Anyway, in her uterus, they found 17 tampons.


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