Thursday, July 14, 2005

You've got a real gentle touch there, doctor.

Today I finally did it. I switched dentists. I've never liked the dentist I've had since I was a kid. But when I heard Becky had a good experience with Linea, I thought I would give her a whirl. What a difference. I don't know if it's because I've given birth twice since I've had any major dental work done (and I'm pretty sure that just about anything is less painful than that), or if she really is that good, but it wasn't a bad or painful experience at all. That is until she said those dreaded words... "root canal".

I blame my own stupidity. I had a tooth that cracked and started bothering me when I was pregnant with Madeline 3 years ago. Then it stopped hurting and I totally forgot about it until about the time we started "trying" for Luke. By the time I went to the dentist again I was juat pregnant (as in, I found out the next day) and they couldn't even take any x-rays. So 3 years of having food stuck in that tooth (although I did pretty much floss after every meal because of it) just caught up with me today. But Linea assures me it's not that painful, just time consuming... oh ya, and wallet consuming, but not as bad as I thought... though still bad. Oh well, with 8 years of orthodontic work and my wisdom teeth being pulled as a result and now this root canal, I'll be able to say I've had just about every procedure known to dentists performed on me... well maybe not all, we did discuss a lovely sounding procedure called "skin grafting" -- which luckily I don't need.


At 3:26 PM, Blogger Lauralea said...

Yup, Linea is the best dentist I've ever had. I've been through her root canal procedure, and really- it wasn't that bad. You can always request the "happy gas"! I hear it works a treat.
: )

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Linea said...

Nope - don't have any happy gas but do have a nice little assortment of pills. If they are really needed. You guys all seem to do fine without them.

Nice to have great friends as patients.

By the way, Dixie, it would be fun to talk about McLaren's books. I just finished reading the first two of his ANKOC books for the second time. Have you got the third one yet - The Last Word and the Word After That? I just finished that too. They make ne think hard and I am no philosopher!


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