Saturday, October 01, 2005

An Observation on Society... or else Marc and I are just very, very lazy

People are becoming perpetually more lazy. Let's think about how people communicated within cities before they had phones. Can you imagine? They actually had to walk to someone's house and talk. I get mad when I can't find the cordless phone and have to spend 5 minutes standing in the hallway talking instead! And a lot of the time I'm too lazy to roll over in bed to reach the phone, and I'll get Madeline to get it for me.

It's major effort to go a drop a letter in the mail box which is maybe 50 feet from our house. Actually, I think the only time I've ever done it is was when I was driving somewhere and hopped out of the car and dropped it in. The rest of the time I give my letters to Marc to put in the office mail. How did people survive when snail mail was their only form of written communication -- and even before the days of Purolator and FedEx?!

Ya, we're just lazy now. We don't want to move. And you want proof? (Besides that now people play tag while sitting on their butts in front of a computer?) Instead of going to get a phone book, I'll scroll through 60+ names on our phone to find the number from the call that person made to us last month. Or if I have the phone with me near the computer I'll look it up on Canada 411 instead of getting up.

However, we don't have Canada 411 bookmarked (and get ready, because here's where the ultimate laziness comes), so I'll will Google it (only having to type in "ca" before Canada 411 pops up) and then I'll click on it. (Though now I realize that it would pop up on address bar too!! -- which would save me a step.)

There is something seriously wrong with people these days (or maybe it's just me) when people like me will go to their own website (because it's bookmarked) and from there click on a link to another person's website because it's too much effort to move your hand 1 inch to type in the URL of that website.

Our grandparents are rolling over in their graves. The travelling encyclopedia salesmen probably only came around once every two years (and not like they could afford a set anyway) and the library was probably in the next town. And we get mad when we have a slow connection on our high speed internet which will lead us to Wikipedia and Google giving us information on everything we'd ever want to know. Or, heaven forbid, Blogger be down for an hour of scheduled maintenance!!

And then there's Marc, who will stand in our bedroom and watch tv a foot away from it and change the channels with the remote. (Now he says it's because the tv will swivel if he presses the buttons on it, but I've never really bought that.) Honestly, how spoiled and lazy are we when we're bitter that we can't scroll through 50 channels during the 30 second commercial break of our favourite show because we're too lazy to get off our chair and get the remote from across the room?

And then there were the two months that we didn't watch tv with our stereo sound because we couldn't find the remote for it, and it was a hastle to go to the stereo to turn it on, and then there was the possibility of having to get up to change the volume if one channel was louder than the other...

Why do we grumble about waiting in line at the automated teller where after a minute's wait we'll do a month's worth of banking and bill paying in 5 minutes? Actually I guess that's why we do internet banking, in the comfort of our own home, so we don't have to worry about going somewhere, at certain hours, parking, walking to the bank, standing in line, talking to the teller, showing her our bills, getting out cash, getting our bank receipt (remember the days of the bankbook?!). What a horrible ordeal that would be to live out every month?!

What would our grandparents think when we choose to wait 15 minutes in the McDonald's drive thru instead of going in and getting our food in 3 minutes, and when 1.5 minutes is too long to wait to heat up a pizza pop?


At 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Dixie...

I couldn't quite read the last two paragraphs of your post. My head was already hanging too low in abject shame. I think I need to go shrive myself or something. Or just get off my ASS!

At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know I do EXACTLY the same thing for 411 Canada, exactly. But I've come to the conclusion that it may not be lazyness. It may be a sense of being over-informationized.

Rather than "Carry" another link on my blogroll, and be responsible for that data, more and more I am letting Google take care of it for me. I trust it, and in return, it takes care of such things for me.

Even it's simple address I don't bother carrying around in my head. I have to many other things to worry about up there.

So, maybe some of it is just how we are learning to carry information around with us.

And hey, if my grandmother started taking shots at me because I don't get up to change the channel, I'd ask her to find me Peter Penner's phone number over in St. Thomas Ontario, in under a munite. Then lets see what hits me.

At 3:48 PM, Blogger polarpegs said...

Ummm... on a totally unrelated thought I thought word verification was supposed to ward off the spammers....

I live in a small town... like smaller than PA small. I do everything I can to avoid going downtown. I hate to pay for parking but I digress. I admit I am very lazy and the extra weight I carry around with me proves me right every time I look in the mirror.

At 12:22 AM, Blogger Mr. C.C. said...

Lazy or not Dixy, we are living in a world full of modern conviences. This is not the stone age where we have to chisel everything into stone. A lot of us would die without the internet rather then get off our butt and go walk a few steps to do something. Everybody is guilty of being lazy. It's just that some are worse then others.

At 6:50 AM, Blogger Linea said...

So, are we gaining extra time with our time savers, or not? If something actually saves us time then I can't see that as being lazy if we then turn around and use the extra time we have gained for something useful. But in my case it has mostly caused a few extra pounds - almost 100% sure of that. And that is just the use of the car!

At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lost my remote about 3 years ago. I only have 2 channels, so its not too bad, but I manage to get off my butt and change channels, volume, on/off... I guess I live a simpler life then. My phone cord is stretched almost past its limit because I keep forgetting I have a portable (have had it over 3 years!). Maybe you ARE lazy...(sorry)..or I'm just unique; which is probably more likely from what I see of everyone else.


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