Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Life and Times

I've been thinking lately about how fast time goes. Luke will be 5 months old tomorrow, and it feels like he was just born. Half the time I think it is still March... the other day I said it was "July 5th"... and yesterday I asked my friend on the phone if her husband was going to be doing field work again this summer... um, hello, summer is almost over! I nursed Madeline until her first birthday, which means I'm almost half done nursing Luke. Plus, in the next few months he'll be starting on more solid food, so that means the nursing/feeding schedule won't be quite so demanding. Good in a way, but sad too; he won't be a baby much longer. It's made me realize how important it is to treasure the time you have with your kids.

I was visiting with my grandparents this afternoon. They always have such interesting stories from their past -- all of the jobs that they had, different towns they pastored in, all of the people they met and helped. They still get tears in their eyes about some people/stories. And even though they're both in their 80s now, I bet it seems like just yesterday that they were chasing after their own babies. On their mantle each month they put up pictures of the kids, grandkids (12 + spouses), and great-grandkids (13 & soon to be 14!) that have birthdays or anniversaries in that month. I saw a picture of my cousin and her husband and realized that in just 2 years it was going to be their 20th wedding anniversary! I couldn't believe it. I remember my parents' 25th anniversary, and even though I was in grade 9 at the time, it still feels like it just happened. So to think that my cousin has almost been married 20 years is scary. How fast do the years really go by?

My granny wrote in a memory book for me, after that cousin's wedding, that she prayed that she would see me get married some day. And I always hoped that she would. And she did. In fact, both her and my grandpa have 18 years under their belt since she wrote those words that I was scared wouldn't happen. And next year is their 65th wedding anniversary! 65 years of marriage, and yet they still talk about grandpa riding his bike all through the Okanagan to visit granny when they were dating; they still remember the "little bead of perspiration" that dripped down granny's face in the alcove at the altar at their wedding ceremony. And as long ago as it was, and as many things as have happened since that day in July in 1941, I bet it seems like yesterday.

So what can I do today to make the most of the time I have and the people I have to spend it with -- so that the days which slip into months which slip into years will be filled with a goodness and a richess that will make my memories full despite the brevity of time?


At 9:16 AM, Blogger Love Mom said...

i have been dealing with the same thngs myself. I have all these tresured memories of my childhood and time I got to spend on the farm or with my grandparents. Have I done this for my chldren? Have a created special memories for them? Will they remember their childhood fondly or will they think back and say mom was always working and we never got to do anything? I am so thankful that I got to change my hours so I can not only see my kids but, spend some quality time with them, create some memories for them.


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