Thursday, August 04, 2005

Peace and Quiet

I don't think I've spent more than 20 minutes straight in this house since last Friday, besides after 10:00 at night -- and who wants to clean their house at that time of night? So, right now both kids are settled down and I can finally begin to clean this insane mess that our house has become over the last week. Lots of outings, shopping, and trips to the pool do not make for a clean house, when you don't have anytime after each trip to clean up because you're on your way to the next outing. I'm not completely procrastinating the cleaning, but I feel entitled to sit down and catch my breath for a minute before I try to find spots in this little house for everything that "needs" to fit in it.

Strike that. The kids are not settled down. Madeline called me into her bedroom because her "head hurt" and it needed to be dried... by water from the bathroom sink. (Who can know the mind of a 2 year old?) I didn't let her leave her bed and was asked to sing "Go to sleep you little babe" from Oh Brother Where Art Thou? for about 5 minutes and then I told her to go to sleep. She is currently making an extremely annoying half whining, half crying, half coughing, half "mommmaaay!" (I guess that would be a quarter of each of those, but I don't care right now). Oh, and now she's sing "Your mama's gone away, but your daddy's gonna stay..." to herself. Oh well, she will settle down. And I will do my best not to lose it on her.

I'm finding myself very edgy lately. I think a lot of people are. I think it's the heat. I don't know how people in hotter climates survive such long increments of heat. It just makes me crabby. The messy house also does not help. I was worried I was having some post-partum hormonal issues and asked my mom about it. I told her I was mostly crabby when the kids were cranky, the house was messy and Marc was irritating me, and that the rest of the time I was fine. She suggested that it was probably the messy house and husband and the cranky kids, not the hormones.

Pondering the messy house the past few days and thinking up the title to this post, I've thought about what makes "peace". For me, it seems like I can't have peace without having calm surroundings -- a clean house. I just can't relax or settle down until things are in order. But is this a reflection of how I respond to life in general? I haven't had too much bad or traumatic happen in my life, and sometimes I wonder if it's because I just couldn't handle it. Normally I'm good at getting perspective over a lot of the situations and experiences of life -- dealing with church, people, etc. But Marc constantly tells me that I should just relax despite the mess in the house because it doesn't matter; and I know I should, but I just can't. So, I'm kind of wondering if I'd be able to have peace about something major happening in our lives in the midst of all of the "mess" of it, or if the peace wouldn't come until it was all "cleaned up". I guess it's something to work on -- to be able to have peace in the mess, while you're working to clean it up.

Well, better go sweep...


At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MAN can I ever relate to this one. If my house is a mess I am a direct reflection of that. Once it gets past that tidy up stage into CLEAN IT stage I lose interest; basically meaning I don't feel like it AT ALL. Like dishes, who the heck likes doing dishes, yet if you just did them right after you used them it would be a breeze. Nope, gotta leave em until there's a daunting pile ARGGGG. Then you turn and look out your window to see lengthy grass, mussed up flowerbeds, weeds in the garden, trees that need trimming, a deck that needs painting, no a deck that needs REPLACING....etc.etc.etc....then your eyes slowly focus inward and you note that the window you are peering out is DIRTY and needs to be washed........OH MY GOD!!!! you shut your eyes and run for the bedroom to hide under the covers, only to ram into a wall because your eyes are closed. (see mess makes me crazy) It never friggin ends! Ok calm. I have to do my dishes when I get home. I will try not to peer out the window late I already know what to expect out there as I have listed it above........

At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

didn't do the dishes.....yet. I know, gross. tonight, I promise.

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Lauralea said...

I've noticed with alot of our couple friends that one spouse has the inability to relax amid the clutter/ mess and the other isn't phased by it. (In our house it's Randall for whom peace = tidy). It's probably a good thing for all involved (children, each other) that it is this way. Can you imagine two of you (two of Randall... shudder) in the same domicile? Think how neurotic our children would be! As it is, there is probably a better chance at attaining balance. One partner to be concerned about the mess, (think old cat lady when you consider the ones who can live with it), and one partner to keep the perspective. Sometimes it really doesn't matter. Ah yes. Now back to the Saturday chores!

At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CF. Just chill and get it done when you can. Or, work WHILE the kids are playing somewhere.


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