Friday, August 05, 2005

Thoughts on Prince Albert's Annual Dief Chief's Parade

On Monday Marc and I and some friends attended PA's annual parade. Pretty long and boring quite frankly. I think Madeline even got a little bored. I read in the paper the night before the parade that everyone was supposed to dress like one hundred years ago to celebrate Saskatchewan's Centennial (is anyone else ready for the year 2005 to be over in Saskatchewan?!). So, to be a good citizen (and to hopefully get my kids on the front page of the local paper), I dressed them up in gingham. That's as close to 19th century garb as I could find on a day's notice. Madeline wore an outfit my mom made?/bought? for me when I was a kid. Although my legs must have been skinnier than Madeline's. We told her to tell us if she could no longer feel her legs at any point during the parade, they were that tight. Here's how they ended up, though, sadly they did not make the front page of the Herald:

Madeline is waving a CTV flag that was being given out. And that's how it all began. The makings of a three-part blog entry on the Dief Chief's Parade.

1) Inappropriate things I got my 2.5 year old to yell out at the parade floats:
- upon being handed the CTV flag, she immediately began to chant "CBC... CBC...CBC"
- when the army reserve floats passed by, she yelled "make love, not war!" (but I made her stop before the veteran's float came by, because they're just too cute to be disrespectful to)
- at our local MP driving past in his car "float", "stop sending your propaganda!"

2) Inappropriate things I wish I would have seen at the parade:
- Our
mayor on a S.A.D.D. float (just find the article about him on the link!)
- a few more people stepping in the horse poop
- a "
piper down"

3) Inappropriate things to be thrown from parade floats at any municipal parade:
- condoms
- I had visions of the Booster Juice float having a hose and spraying the open mouths of the parade-goers with nutritious slush
-the street sweeper violently blowing horse excrement onto unsuspecting parade-goers as they pack up their lawnchairs to go home


At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the cutest pics I've seen of Madeline. Tell your mother the outfit is just waaaayy to sweet. (even if her legs were going numb).

At 5:04 PM, Blogger Jadon said...

Inappropriate things to be thrown from parade floats at any municipal parade:
- condoms

Well, maybe not at gay pride parades, I suppose....

At 5:23 PM, Blogger Dixie Vandersluys said...

I thought of that Jadon, that's why I put "municipal" down. :) There were a lot of other "inappropriate" things that I thought of that, though they were funny, would REALLY have been inappropriate for my blog!

At 11:54 PM, Blogger polarpegs said...

Being from Prince Albert originally, I have to say I love reading your blog. You have a great (and unique. I read this entry to my friends tonight and we all had a great chuckle. If Madeline had been about two years older my mom (who lives in PA)would have had a dress like Laura Ingalls on Little House on the Prairie.


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