Friday, August 26, 2005

The World's Most Frustrating Dream Family

This is what brought me to consiousness this morning. (And no, I'm not pregnant, I just have VERY vivid dreams.)

Steve Martin was my abusive boyfriend and he and his dog were in the process of attacking me at my parents' house. This went on for quite some time and it was rather scary. At some point I grabbed a knife and stabbed Steve enough times that I thought he was injured enough to not outrun me if I made a getaway. It worked. I left Steve injured and ran down the street and around the corner looking for a house where I could hide.

I knocked on the door of the first house and after much debate they let me in. It was a woman and her three daughters (all around 10 years old). I explained the situation to them some more and then asked if I could call 911. The lady said "hello?". I thought I'd somehow got the wrong number and asked "Is this 911?" And the lady laughed and said "ya" -- like saying "hello" instead "911" is some sort of great joke for people in life-threatening situations. After talking to her I felt better that the police would soon be on their way.

But by this time Steve Martin had made his to this street and was going to every house looking for me. He knocks on the door and asks if they've seen me. Now, this part is sort of fuzzy. But all I remember from my vantage point of the closet I was hiding in was that the family got really uncomfortable, said "no", but with enough unease, that I'm sure they made Steve suspicious -- that coupled with the fact that when he finally left, they had their faces smooshed up against the door and watched him go from house to house down the street.

Much time passes and I'm getting increasingly nervous. I decided to call 911 back and remind them. The 911 lady said "and where are you?" So, just to be sure I put the homeowner on. She says "Ya, we live on Dent Crescent." I got my bearings for a second and then realized that this house was not on Dent Crescent. So, I whispered to her, "no we aren't!". And the homeowner goes on, with sort of a glazed-over look on her face that yes, she does live on Dent. So I grab the phone from her and tell the 911 lady "I'm pretty sure that we're the house on the south corner of where Amos meets Sherman."

More time passes, but I'm confident that the police are going to be here soon. But, just in case, I look for a better hiding spot. (Keep in mind, that throughout this entire dream I'm extremely nervous that Steve Martin is going to show up and kill me.) And what do you know, the lady and her kids thought that the door probably doesn't need to be locked or closed. So who comes to and through the door again, but my boyfriend Steve Martin... and his dog. (At this point in the dream I somehow realize that Steve has also called 911 -- due to certain knife wounds he has incurred, and the 911 people, not putting two and two together, have answered his call first, leaving him all stitched up and ready to continue his attack on me.) However, I'm quite secure in my hiding place on the top, top floor. Eventually, though, I hear voices and steps coming closer.

Pause (for dramatic effect).

(I -- conscious of my dream state-- was getting quite scared by this time, and was hoping to either wake up or not be found by Steve.)

Still pausing...

Steve's dog comes through the door and seeing that he's going to start barking and go crazy because he's found me, I stab the dog. The dog dies. I cover up the mess on the nice white carpet with a blanket from the couch. And I pick up the dog and go and hide behind the couch (which is angled between two walls -- so that I'm basically hiding behind it in the corner of the room). I hear Steve come up the steps looking for his dog. He doesn't notice the well-hidden blood on the floor. And he comes over by the couch, and I see his silhouette as he leans over to look behind the couch where I'm curled up and hiding the dog next to me. And I know he's looking exactly where I'm hiding, and I know my grey bunnyhug is exposed and that I didn't have a blanket over top of me...

... and then I woke up.


At 11:28 AM, Blogger Love Mom said...

Steve Martin huh? Interesting... I wonder what Freud would say about this dream of yours. I have one lingering question about it...the same as the first, ; STeve Martin huh?

Your dreams and my dreams seem to have a similar style both really, really, REALLY weird!!!

You gave me a good laugh on a bad headache day. Thanks.

At 12:46 PM, Blogger polarpegs said...

I always wonder why I have dreams that involve guys being really mean to me. My husband always think I am loopy because I dream about him cheating on me, or yelling at me saying mean things, both of which he has never done in real life.

Aside from that it is funny to read your blog and know where Dent Crescent is and even the house on the south side where Amos meet Sherman seeing as though that is the exact street I grew up. My folks still live there.


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