How do you forget things? Let me count the ways.
Read this first.
Then look at this picture taken tonight. You see that black speck to the left of the printer and above the piece of paper? Ya that's right. That's that same mosquito that Marc drew the line around on May 18!!! I don't know how many times I've told him to take that thing off the wall. But there it stands(?), lies(?), squooshes(?).
I know, I could wipe it off myself. But I won't. Because I asked him. And because he needs to learn. Because there is a piece of looseleaf with wiring notes folded four times and stuck with a thumb tack to the ceiling of our bedroom that has been there since this (oh, that's actually longer than the mosquito!). Because there are measurement lines that have been in our son's room since we put up pictures for him in about January. And last but not least, there is a 6 inch pencil line (another measurement) that has been sticking proudly up above the telephone in our bedroom since the day we moved into our house on August 23, 2002!! It is for all of these reasons that I'm not removing the dead, and really quite gross, mosquito.
I'm really not bitter. It's actually becoming quite comical. But it must stop.