Sh!t Happens!
Luke has been constipated for a "solid" (pun slightly intended) week now. He has had two small poops since last Saturday. So tonight when he was grunting on my lap while Marc and I were working on my new website I was quite excited. Until I looked down. Yes, that's right. A trail of stinky, week-old, slightly pruny smelling baby poo had slithered all the way down my shorts, part of my leg, on the leg of the chair and into a rather sizeable pool on the floor below us. (Thank goodness we have one of those "plastic" mats you put under rolling computer chairs!) Marc burst out laughing and said he wanted to take a picture -- too bad the memory card was full (although we have been known to take pictures of exceptionally funny poo incidents with Madeline), and Luke of course was completely oblivious and jabbering away happily.
I think this may actually outdo the other poo story from two weekends ago. I had just returned from the gym in my new soccer shorts that I had got at Sportchek the day before (because you have to look good to work out). Now, they're soccer shorts, and maybe they're for boys, I don't know, but they have the underwear already in them. Well, I was nursing Luke in Marc's (well, I'm the one who always sits in it...) big leather recliner when all of a sudden I felt something warm and wet when I put my hand on Luke's back. I called Marc over from the computer for a "leakage issue". Well, I did not know the of half it -- or even an eighth of it! Marc's instantaneous laugh when he got to the chair revealed that yes, there was indeed a pool of Luke's poo settled nicely between my legs, soaking through the new shorts, the underwear shorts, and my own underwear. Very nice feeling indeed!
There ends the first edition (with certainly many more to follow) of "The X-crement Files".
Oh ya, and he did barf all the way down my leg after we got he and I changed tonight! But, for more tales of tonight's whoas, read the post I just did about the monitor!